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Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) (Интегральный переключатель мощности для импульсных блоков питания)

• Precision Fixed Operating Frequency (100kHz)
• Pulse by Pulse Over Current Limiting
• Over Load Protection
• Over Voltage Protection (Min. 23V)
• Internal Thermal Shutdown Function
• Under Voltage Lockout
• Internal High Voltage Sense FET
• Auto Restart Mode

The Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) product family is specially
designed for an off line SMPS with minimal external
components. The Fairchild Power Switch(FPS) consist of
high voltage power SenseFET and current mode PWM
controller IC. PWM controller features integrated fixed
oscillator, under voltage lock out, leading edge blanking,
optimized gate turn-on/turn-off driver, thermal shut down
protection, over voltage protection, temperature compensated
precision current sources for loop compensation and fault
protection circuit compared to discrete MOSFET and
controller or RCC switching converter solution The Fairchild
Power Switch(FPS) can reduce total component count,
design size, weight and at the same time increase &
efficiency, productivity, and system reliability. It has a basic
platform well suited for cost effective design in either a
flyback converter or a forward converter.

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