Отправил alexfloka.Дата добавления 15.04.2011 (2036 прочтений)
Dual 30V P-Channel PowerTrench MOSFET General Description This P-Channel MOSFET is a rugged gate version of Fairchild Semiconductor’s advanced PowerTrench process. It has been optimized for power management applications requiring a wide range of gave drive voltage ratings (4.5V – 20V). Applications • Power management • Load switch • Battery protection Features • –7 A, –30 V RDS(ON) = 23 mΩ @ VGS = –10 V RDS(ON) = 35 mΩ @ VGS = –4.5 V • Low gate charge (15nC typical) • Fast switching speed • High performance trench technology for extremely low RDS(ON) • High power and current handling capability
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