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Датчики Температуры : STTS75
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 30.04.2011 (2069 прочтений)

Digital temperature sensor and thermal watchdog

■ Measures temperatures from -55°C to +125°C (-67°F to +257°F)
- ±2°C Accuracy from -25°C to +100°C (max)
■ Low operating current: 75pA (typ)
■ No external components required
■ 2-wire l2C/SMBus-compatible serial interface
- Selectable serial bus address allows connection of up to eight devices on the same bus
■ Thermometer resolution is user-configurable from 9 (Default) to 12 bits (0.5°C to 0.0625°C)
■ 9-bit conversion time is 45ms (typ)
■ Programmable temperature threshold and hysteresis set points
■ Wide power supply range-operating voltage range: 2.7V to 5.5V
■ Power saving one-shot temperature measurement
■ Power up defaults permit stand-alone operation as thermostat
■ Shutdown mode to minimize power consumption
■ Separate open drain output pin operates as an interrupt or comparator/thermostat output (dual purpose event pin)

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