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Датчики Температуры : TMP35, TMP36, TMP37
Отправил alexfloka. Дата добавления 04.05.2011 (2544 прочтений)

The TMP35, TMP36, and TMP37 are low voltage, precision
centigrade temperature sensors. They provide a voltage output
that is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) tem-
perature. The TMP35/TMP36/TMP37 do not require any ex-
ternal calibration to provide typical accuracies of 61°C at
125°C and 62°C over the 240°C to 1125°C temperature
range. The low output impedance of the TMP35/TMP36/
TMP37, linear output, and precise calibration simplify interfac-
ing to temperature control circuitry and A/D converters. All
three devices are intended for single supply operation from
2.7 V to 5.5 V maximum. Supply current runs well below
50 µA providing very low self-heating, less than 0.1°C in still air.
In addition, a shutdown function is provided to cut supply cur-
rent to less than 0.5 µA. The TMP35 is functionally-compatible
with the LM35/LM45 and provides a 250 mV output at 125°C.
The TMP35 reads temperatures from 110°C to 1125°C. The
TMP36 is specified from 240°C to 1125°C, provides a
750 mV output at 25°C and operates to 1125°C from a single
2.7 V supply. Both the TMP35 and TMP36 have an output scale
factor of 110 mV/°C. The TMP37 is intended for applications
over the range 15°C to 1100°C, and provides an output scale fac-
tor of 20 mV/°C. The TMP37 provides a 500 mV output at
125°C. Operation extends to 1150°C with reduced accuracy for
all devices when operating from a 5 V supply.
The TMP35/TMP36/TMP37 are all available in low cost 3-pin
TO-92, and SO-8 and 5-pin SOT-25 surface mount packages.
Low Voltage Operation (2.7 V to 5.5 V)
Calibrated Directly in °C
10 mV/°C Scale Factor (20 mV/°C on TMP37)
62°C Accuracy Over Temperature (typ)
60.5°C Linearity (typ)
Stable with Large Capacitive Loads
Specified 240°C to 1125°C, Operation to 1150°C
Less than 50 µA Quiescent Current
Shutdown Current 0.5 µA Max
Low Self-Heating
Environmental Control Systems
Thermal Protection
Industrial Process Control
Fire Alarms
Power System Monitors
CPU Thermal Management

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При замене электролитических конденсаторов, кроме соблюдения полярности, не следует значительно превышать допустимое рабочее напряжение.
Например, если конденсатор рассчитан на рабочее напряжение 16 В, то при установке нового той же емкости, но рассчитанного на напряжение 300 В после непродолжительной эксплуатации произойдет его расформовка, и емкость его значительно уменьшится.