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Датчики Температуры : TMP35, TMP36, TMP37
Отправил alexfloka. Дата добавления 04.05.2011 (2558 прочтений)

The TMP35, TMP36, and TMP37 are low voltage, precision
centigrade temperature sensors. They provide a voltage output
that is linearly proportional to the Celsius (Centigrade) tem-
perature. The TMP35/TMP36/TMP37 do not require any ex-
ternal calibration to provide typical accuracies of 61°C at
125°C and 62°C over the 240°C to 1125°C temperature
range. The low output impedance of the TMP35/TMP36/
TMP37, linear output, and precise calibration simplify interfac-
ing to temperature control circuitry and A/D converters. All
three devices are intended for single supply operation from
2.7 V to 5.5 V maximum. Supply current runs well below
50 µA providing very low self-heating, less than 0.1°C in still air.
In addition, a shutdown function is provided to cut supply cur-
rent to less than 0.5 µA. The TMP35 is functionally-compatible
with the LM35/LM45 and provides a 250 mV output at 125°C.
The TMP35 reads temperatures from 110°C to 1125°C. The
TMP36 is specified from 240°C to 1125°C, provides a
750 mV output at 25°C and operates to 1125°C from a single
2.7 V supply. Both the TMP35 and TMP36 have an output scale
factor of 110 mV/°C. The TMP37 is intended for applications
over the range 15°C to 1100°C, and provides an output scale fac-
tor of 20 mV/°C. The TMP37 provides a 500 mV output at
125°C. Operation extends to 1150°C with reduced accuracy for
all devices when operating from a 5 V supply.
The TMP35/TMP36/TMP37 are all available in low cost 3-pin
TO-92, and SO-8 and 5-pin SOT-25 surface mount packages.
Low Voltage Operation (2.7 V to 5.5 V)
Calibrated Directly in °C
10 mV/°C Scale Factor (20 mV/°C on TMP37)
62°C Accuracy Over Temperature (typ)
60.5°C Linearity (typ)
Stable with Large Capacitive Loads
Specified 240°C to 1125°C, Operation to 1150°C
Less than 50 µA Quiescent Current
Shutdown Current 0.5 µA Max
Low Self-Heating
Environmental Control Systems
Thermal Protection
Industrial Process Control
Fire Alarms
Power System Monitors
CPU Thermal Management

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