The TR-89B Transducers can be manufactured under special order to resonate at any specified frequency between 23kHz and 40kHz. Massa stocks two standard versions. The TR-89B Type 23 provides peak untuned receiving response at 23kHz +/-2kHz, and the TR-89B Type 40 provides peak untuned receiving response at 40kHz +/-2kHz. The beam patterns of the transducers change at different frequencies, and greater detection range is obtained with lower frequency transducers due to the attenuation characteristics of sound in air. Thus, the TR-89B Family offers the user a choice of transducers that have characteristics that will meet most requirements. Special frequencies, matched transmitting and receiving pairs, and other custom features are available on special order (consult factory). There are several million TR-89B Transducers in use in many different applications throughout the world.