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Драйверы Драйверы светодиодов : MSL3080
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 21.11.2012 (1866 прочтений)

8 String 60mA LED Drivers with Integrated Boost Controller

• Drives 8 parallel 60mA LED strings at up to 40V LED string voltage
• Integrated boost controller
• Offers true 12-bit LED dimming at 120Hz
• String open circuit and LED short circuit fault detection and automatic shut down
• ±3% current accuracy and current balance
• Single resistor sets current for all LED strings
• External PWM dimming
• Internal PWM dimming control engine
• Single PWM input sets dimming duty cycle and frequency
• Internal PWM dimming (use optional)
• Synchronizes PWM dimming to LCD panel refresh rate
• Frequency multiplier allows PWM dimming at multiples of LCD panel refresh frequency (see Programming Guide)
• 1MHz I²C/SMBus interface; use optional
• Resistor programmable LED short circuit threshold
• Die over-temperature cut-off protection
• -40°C to +85°C operating temperature range
• Lead free, halogen free, RoHS compliant package

The MSL3080 8-channel LED drivers with integrated boost regulator controller offers a complete solution to drive parallel LED strings at up to 40V. The LED current sinks control up to 60mA each for up to 19W of LED power. The MSL3080 has eight current sinks. Parallel connect the current sinks for increased string current. A single resistor sets LED current, with string matching and accuracy within ±3%.

The advanced integrated PWM circuitry allows up to 4095:1 dimming, and offers simple PWM dimming control. External PWM dimming is controlled by a signal at the PWM input, which sets both the PWM duty cycle and frequency of the dimming signals. The internal PWM dimming is controlled by registers accessible through the I²C serial interface.

The MSL3080 feature integrated fault detection circuitry that detects and acts upon string open-circuit and LED short circuit faults, boost regulator over-voltage faults, and die over-temperature faults. A proprietary Efficiency Optimizer maintains sufficient boost regulator output voltage to maintain LED current regulation while minimizing power use. A 1MHz I²C/SMBus serial interface allows optional dimming control, fault inspection and control of driver configuration; for serial interface information see the “MSL3040/50/60/80/86/87/88 Programming Guide”.

The MSL3080 IS offered in the 24-pin VQFN lead-free, halogen-free, RoHS compliant package and operate over -40°C to +85°C

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