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Датчики Давления : ASDX Series Silicon
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 02.12.2012 (1166 прочтений)

ASDX Series Silicon Pressure Sensors
Low Pressure and Ultra-Low Pressure Analog Output ±2% Total Error Band, DIP, 10 inches H20 to 100 psi

The ASDX Series is a Silicon Pressure Sensor offering a ratiometric analog output for reading pressure over the specified full scale pressure span and temperature range.
The ASDX is fully calibrated and temperature compensated for sensor offset, sensitivity, temperature effects and non-linearity using an on-board Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). Calibrated output values for pressure are updated at approximately 1 kHz.
The standard ASDX is calibrated over the temperature range of 0 °C to 85 3C [32 °Fto 185 °F]. The sensor is characterized for operation from a single power supply of either 3.3 Vdc or 5.0 Vdc.

• Ratiometric 12-bit analog output
• Precision ASIC conditioning and temperature compensated over 0 °C to 85 =C [32 °F to 185 °F] temperature range
• Low operating voltage
• Absolute, differential and gage types
• Pressure ranges from 10 inches H2O to 100 psi
• Standard calibrations in inches H2O, cm №0, psi, mbar, bar, kPa
• Total error band of ±2.0% of full scale span maximum
• RoHS compliant

• Flow calibrators
• Ventilation and air flow monitors
• Gas flow instrumentation
• Sleep apnea monitoring and therapy equipment
• Barometry
• Pneumatic controls

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