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Преобразователи, стабилизаторы Преобр. напряжения : AN2620
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 08.04.2013 (2081 прочтений)

3 A high-frequency synchronous 900 kHz step-down converter based on the ST1S10

The ST1S10 is a step-down DC-DC converter with an optimized inhibit function for powering high-voltage LCD applications and low-voltage digital core HDD applications. Generally, it replaces the high current linear solution when high power dissipation is a problem.
It provides up to 3 A over an input voltage range of 2.5 V to 18 V and synchronous rectification saves the external Schottky diode. A high internal switching frequency (0.9 MHz) allows it to use tiny surface-mount components, as well as the resistor divider, to set the output voltage value.
Only an inductor and 3 capacitors are required. The current PWM mode architecture and stable operation with low E.S.R SMD ceramic capacitors results in low, predictable output ripple. To maximize the power conversion efficiency in light load, the regulator can work in burst mode automatically.
The device can operate in PWM mode at a fixed frequency or synchronized to an external frequency. It switches at a frequency of 900 kHz when SYNC is connected to ground or a fixed voltage (less than 5.5 V) and synchronizes the switching frequency between 400 kHz to 1.2 MHz from the external clock that is applied to SYNC.
A thermal shutdown circuit is integrated and activates at 150 °C. Cycle-by-cycle current limitation provides protection against shorted outputs. The on-chip 260 µs power-on reset ensures the proper operation when switching on the power supply. The quiescent current is less than 6 µA in the inhibit state. The device is available in MLP4x4 and SO-8 ePad packages.

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