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Аналоговые микросхемы : LM4702
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 17.07.2013 (4356 прочтений)

LM4702 Audio Power Amplifier Series Stereo High Fidelity 200 Volt Driver with Mute

The LM4702 is a high fidelity audio power amplifier
driver designed for demanding consumer and pro-
audio applications. Amplifier output power may be
scaled by changing the supply voltage and number of
output devices. The LM4702 is capable of delivering
in excess of 300 watts per channel single ended into
an 8 ohm load in the presence of 10% high line
headroom and 20% supply regulation.
The LM4702 includes thermal shut down circuitry that
activates when the die temperature exceeds 150°C.
The LM4702's mute function, when activated, mutes
the input drive signal and forces the amplifier output
to a quiescent state.
The LM4702 is available in 3 grades that span a wide
range of applications and performance levels. The
LM4702C is targeted at high volume applications.
The LM4702B includes a higher voltage rating along
with the tighter specifications. The LM4702A(1)
development) is the premium part with the highest
voltage rating, fully specified with limits over voltage
and temperature, and is offered in a military 883
compliant TO-3 package.

• Very High Voltage Operation
• Scalable Output Power
• Minimum External Components
• External Compensation
• Thermal Shutdown and Mute

• AV Receivers
• Audiophile Power Amps
• Pro Audio
• High Voltage Industrial Applications

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