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Драйверы Драйверы к приводам : LV8702V
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 05.03.2013 (1404 прочтений)

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PWM Current Control High-efficient Stepping Motor Driver (Драйвер шагового двигателя)

The LV8702V is a 2-channel Full-bridge driver 1С that can drive a stepping motor driver, which is capable of micro-step drive and supports quarter step. Current is controlled according to motor load and rotational speed at half step, half step full-torque and quarter step excitation, thereby highly efficient drive is realized. Consequently, the reduction of power consumption, heat generation, vibration and noise is achieved.

• Built-in lch PWM current control stepping motor driver {bipolar type)
• Ron (High-side Ron: 0.3Q, Low-side Ron: 0.25O, total: 0.550, Та = 25°C, I() = 2.5A)
• Excitation mode is configurable as follows: full step/half step full-torque half step quarter step
• Excitation step moves forward only with step signal input
• Built-in output short protection circuit (latch method)
• Control power supply is unnecessary
• Built-in high-efficient drive function {supports half step full-torque, half step/quarter step excitation mode)
• Built-in step-out detection function {Step-out detection may not be accurate during high speed rotation)
• BiCDMOS process IС
• Io max=2.5A
• Built-in thermal shut down circuit

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