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CYGNAL Integrated Products Inc

Silicon Laboratories приобрела компанию Cygnal Integrated Products

Silicon Laboratories Inc. has completed the acquisition of privately held Cygnal Integrated Products, an Austin-based innovator of analog-intensive, highly integrated 8-bit microcontrollers (MCUs). Cygnal's portfolio of more than 50 general-purpose products will add breadth and diversity to Silicon Laboratories' existing product line of high-performance, application-specific mixed-signal ICs.

In connection with the acquisition, Silicon Laboratories issued approximately 1.2 million shares of common stock in exchange for all outstanding shares of Cygnal capital stock. Up to approximately 1.3 million additional shares of Silicon Laboratories common stock will be reserved for future issuance to the shareholders of Cygnal based on the achievement of certain revenue milestones following the closing of the transaction.


Cygnal will be relocated to Silicon Laboratories' facilities in Austin before year-end, and its products will be sold under the Silicon Laboratories name. Silicon Laboratories will continue to support and invest in Cygnal's complete portfolio of MCU products.

For more information, visit www.silabs.com.

Логотип: CYGNAL Integrated Products Inc



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