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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Founded in 1984 and headquartered in Menomonee Falls, in the Greater Milwaukee area, Magnetek is a NASDAQ Global Market listed company (NASDAQ: MAG) specializing in the development, manufacture and marketing of digital power and motion control systems for material handling, people-moving, renewable energy,and mining applications. Our power control systems serve the needs of selected niches of traditional and emerging commercial markets that are becoming increasingly dependent on “smart” power.

Magnetek is:

  • America’s largest supplier of digital drive systems for industrial cranes and hoists. We provide Energy Engineered™ drives, radio remote controls, braking and collision avoidance subsystems, motors and more.
  • The world’s largest independent builder of digital motion control systems for elevators. We specialize in designing and manufacturing highly integrated Energy Engineered motion-control subsystems for elevators, serving the world’s foremost ‘lift’ builders .
  • A provider of digital power interfaces that tie fuel cells, wind turbines and solar arrays to the utility grid.
  • In underground mining, we focus on coal, building a new generation of digital drive systems that enable mining equipment to recover this resource for refinement to produce “clean coal” energy.

The Company operates three ISO-certified research and manufacturing facilities in North America and employs approximately 400 people.

Логотип: Magnetek



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