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Signal Transformer

The Bel family of products has provided innovative application specific solutions and unparalleled service to the electronics industry for more than 60 years.

Establishing the company as the world’s leader of wire wound magnetic solutions was the objective in 1959 it is a reality today.

Signal Transformer is celebrating over 50 years of manufacturing transformers, chokes, inductors and custom or modified standard products. Our commitment to quality is noted by its in-house ISO 17025 certified lab that enables us to participate in the CSA’s Supervised Manufacturing Testing & Certification (SMTC) program. This program makes possible to certify and use the CSA /cCSAus mark on new designs within days. Signal Transformer also maintains a certification and RoHS compliance.

A revolutionary idea brought to fruition by the founders of Signal Transformer standardized the power conversion industry. Before this revolution, even the most simplistic transformer components were procured through complex channels. By offering a multitude of readily available design platforms that could be selected from a catalog and ordered with one phone call, Signal forever transformed the world. Expanding on this revolution, Signal Transformer soon led the industry with custom tailored design solutions through direct engineering support.

Today Signal offers not only the most comprehensive line of certified standard power conversion products, with our vast engineering, manufacturing and regulatory resources; Signal Transformer excels in the design and manufacturer of cost effective, specialized platforms.

Логотип: Signal Transformer



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