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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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System General

System GeneralSystem General (SG) was founded in 1983 as a consulting company specializing in Device Programming and Power Management. In 1985, the company expanded its operations to include the design and manufacturing of Device Programmers. Aiming to become the leader in its field of expertise, SG is committed to delivering products and services of the highest quality. It has earned an excellent reputation from customers all over the world.

System General significantly expanded its business scope in 1999, after merging with the IC design company ESIC. Armed with a strong R&D team, SG successfully entered the business by delivering its first series of Power Management products. System General's innovative energy-saving power conversion designs were well received by the market.


With the corporate vision of "Innovation for a Better Tomorrow", SG's business goal has always been to provide original products that improve people's lives. SG operates through two strategic business units: Semiconductors and Programming Instruments. Both units have the backing of dedicated and highly skilled R&D, manufacturing, sales, logistics and technical support teams.


SG is headquartered in Taipei, Taiwan. It has branch offices in the USA, China, and Hsinchu Taiwan. System General also works with sales agencies throughout the world.

Логотип: System General



Хранение мелких крепежных деталей. Для любого радиолюбителя когда-то возникает необходимость иметь какое-то количество - болтиков, винтиков, шайб. Это набора вполне достаточно для любого крепежа. А вот хранить это все - в одном месте - можно в баночках из-под растворимого кофе. В баночках - на 50 гр или 25 чашек. В каждую такую баночку вмещается 3 коробочки из-под монпасье (леденцов). В каждой коробочке из-под леденцов можно хранить достаточное колическо деталей мелкого крепежа. На банке сделать надпись - допустим, М3. Винты, шайбы, гайки.

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