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Раздел: EDN

EDN 09 2012г

Написал MACTEP 11.05.2012 0:10:00 (Просмотров: 16104)

Название: EDN Magazine
Издательство: Reed Elsevier Properties Inc.
Год выпуска: 2012
Номер: 9

Дата выпуска: May 10
Число страниц: 60
Формат: PDF
Качество: отличное
Язык: Английский
Размер: 25.4 Mb





9. EDN online: Join the conversation; Content; Engineering Community
10. EDN.comment: Do new technologies ease small-scale product innovation?
12. Demultiplexer extracts the clock from data
14. Chip sets support 10.3-Gbps Thunderbolt-interface standard
16. Digital-LED controller tackles dimmer-compatibility challenges
16. Midpower LED aims at office lighting
18. Resistor-programmed switching-regulator 1С goes rail to rail down to OV
18. Intel rolls out first processor for data centers
20. Multicore processors tackle human interface
20. Dual power booster adds serious muscle to op-amp outputs
21. 3.5A, 6V step-down converter needs only 40-uA quiescent current
22. Signal Integrity: 10 measurements defining signal integrity
24. Storage Insights: Drive interfaces require trade-offs
26. Generating spatial audio from portable products
32. Teardown reveals Chevy Volt's electronic secret
41. Understand and characterize envelope-tracking power amplifiers
49. Build a digital PLL with three ICs
52. Power-supply decoupler protects your UUT
54. Signal-powered switch connects devices
55. Product Roundup: Connectors
58. Tales from the Cube: Long shots, short shots, and hip shots



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