Отправил alexfloka.Дата добавления 06.05.2011 (1637 прочтений)
Low-Cost +/-2 g Dual-Axis Accelerometer with Duty Cycle Output
FEATURES 2-Axis Acceleration Sensor on a Single IC Chip 5 mm 5 mm 2 mm Ultrasmall Chip Scale Package 2mg Resolution at 60 Hz Low-Power < 0.6 mA Direct Interface to Low-Cost Microcontrollers via Duty Cycle Output BW Adjustment with a Single Capacitor 3 V to 5.25 V Single Supply Operation 1000 g Shock Survival APPLICATIONS 2-Axis Tilt Sensing with Faster Response than Electrolytic, Mercury, or Thermal Sensors Computer Peripherals Information Appliances Alarms and Motion Detectors Disk Drives Vehicle Security