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Датчики Температуры : AD22100
Отправил alexfloka. Дата добавления 19.05.2011 (2083 прочтений)

Voltage Output Temperature Sensor with Signal Conditioning
200°C Temperature Span
Accuracy Better than 62% of Full Scale
Linearity Better than 61% of Full Scale
Temperature Coefficient of 22.5 mV/8C
Output Proportional to Temperature 3 V+
Single Supply Operation
Reverse Voltage Protection
Minimal Self Heating
High Level, Low Impedance Output

HVAC Systems
System Temperature Compensation
Board Level Temperature Sensing
Electronic Thermostats

Industrial Process Control

The AD22100 is a monolithic temperature sensor with on-chip signal conditioning.It can be operated over the temperature range –50°C to +150°C, making it ideal for use in numerous HVAC, instrumentation and automotive applications.
The signal conditioning eliminates the need for any trimming,buffering or linearization circuitry, greatly simplifying the system design and reducing the overall system cost.
The output voltage is proportional to the temperature times the supply voltage (ratiometric).The output swings from 0.25 V at
–50°C to +4.75 V at +150°C using a single +5.0 V supply.
Due to its ratiometric nature, the AD22100 offers a cost effective solution when interfacing to an analog-to-digital converter.
This is accomplished by using the ADC’s +5 V power supply as a reference to both the ADC and the AD22100 (See Figure 1),eliminating the need for and cost of a precision reference.

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