
Список производителей электронных компонентов.

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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Chrontel, headquartered in San Jose, California, is a privately-held company with over 130 employees worldwide. Incorporated in 1986, the company develops and markets mixed-signal integrated circuits for the PC, display and consumer markets.

The Company is a leading provider of display interface IC’s for personal computers, portable media players and smartphones. Its products interface different computing platforms to standard TV, high-definition TV, LCD displays and PC monitors. The company is also developing new products for digital broadcast television and high-speed data interface.


Industries / Customers

Chrontel addresses industry needs by offering state-of-the-art solutions and customer specific features in its products. Chrontel’s products are designed to complement graphics processors from Intel, AMD and Nvidia and system-on-a-chip (SOC) products from Broadcom, Freescale, Qualcomm, Marvell, Rockchip, , Nufront, RMI and Samsung. Chrontel offers its semiconductor products through a worldwide network of distributor and sales representatives. Its products have been used in notebook and desktop PCs from major OEMs like Acer, Asustek, Dell, Fujitsu, HP, Lenovo, MSI, NEC, SONY, Sharp, Panasonic and Toshiba. Its customers include major ODM like Celestica, Compal, Flextronics, Foxconn, Pegatron, Quanta, Gigabyte, USI and Wistron.

Логотип: Chrontel



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1. в разрыв "+" и "_" резисторы около 100 Ом для ограничения тока в случае не полного устранения неисправности.

Случайные новости

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[01.02.2012] Prakticka Elektronika
Prakticka Elektronika №2 2012
[17.12.2011] Радиоежегодник
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[23.06.2010] Я электрик!
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[18.09.2008] Радиолюбительская технология
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