ECS Inc. International – основанная в 1980 году американская компания, крупный производитель пьезо-электронных компонентов. Линейка продукции компании включает: кварцевые генераторы, кварцевые резонаторы, кварцевые генераторы с температурной компенсацией
Founded in 1980, ECS Inc. International has grown to become one of the most recognized and experienced manufacturers of frequency control management products in the world. From cylindrical tuning fork crystals to high stability oven controlled oscillators, ECS, Inc. offers the most comprehensive line up of frequency control devices in the industry.
The company's commitment to innovative research and development puts ECS, Inc. at the forefront in leading edge crystal oscillator and filtering technologies. Today, ECS, Inc. provides high performance and reliable frequency control solutions that meet or exceed customer expectations specific to quality, price, application engineering and customer care.
Awarded ISO9001/2000 and QS-9000 certifications along with the pursuit of other global certifications has made ECS, Inc. your global partner for dependable frequency management products. ECS is currently undergoing TS16949:2002 registration with a target completion date of January 1, 2008. This will replace QS-9000. In its 65,000 square feet of manufacturing centers, we feature four (4) 10K clean room environments in accordance with International Standard 209. Automatic calibration and testing pods, environmental testing labs, isolated aging rooms and prototype labs complement these facilities.
ECS, Inc.'s products are delivered through a supply chain network of global subsidiary offices strategically located to key design centers, customer contract manufacturing affiliates and major markets. The company's global production facilities and administrative organization of over 400 employees is dedicated to servicing a worldwide customer base. The dedication and commitment of the ECS, Inc. group to quality and excellence has kept ECS, Inc. in front of its competitors through years of uninterrupted growth.