
Список производителей электронных компонентов.

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OTAX Corporation



Company was founded in August 1995, as a subordinate company of OTAX Corporation in Japan, with the registered capital of 12 million USD and an investment of 24 million USD. Company has a factory area of 40,449 square meters, 3,500 square meters of storehouse and 1100 square meters of office building, and dormitories to accommodate 130 cadres and 2,500 employees. Company now employs 5 foreign managing people, 50 Chinese managing people and 1600 workers.
We produce and sell various high/medium/low voltage switches, various electronic loop rotary switches, sensor switches, memory cards, PCMCIA card connectors, CPU sockets, and other parts forming, punching and electroplating. We also design the automatic equipments. We also have the complete equipments to treat the complete waste water and air. Thus we have a complete manufacture base from the tooling, parts processing, electroplating, punching, forming and assembling.
OTAX has over 5000 different power switches and takes the lead in the industry for its unique advanced patent technologies. Company has won the clients’ trust for its quality products. Company enjoys the protective tariff importation rights for the production equipments, raw materials and parts and free-tariff exportation and after-tax sales in China.
Company has got the ISO9002 certificates co-issued by TVU and CQC, ISO14001 environment management system certificate issued by TUV in April 2001 and ISO9001:2000 version certificate in June 2002. Also we have successfully passed the audit of TUV ISO9001:2000 and ISO14001 in December 2004. In 2001, company started its marketing in China.
In order to get adapted to the change, company started to use the local management and resources. And periodically, the core technicians from different departments are sent to the Japan headquarter for further training in an aim to improve the technology and management.
We also pay great attention to clients’ development. We not only supply the best quality products but also the advanced technologies to our clients to support them. As China’s market opens to the world and its entry to WTO, We’re sure that we will excel in the competitive markets by our complete quality management system, advanced technologies, quality and long-life products and our satisfactory services.
Company’s Profile

Company’s Name:OTAX Electronics (ShenZhen)Co., Ltd
Board Chairman Shukei TOMITA
Foundation Date: August 30th, 1995
Registered Capital: 12 million USD
Investor: OTAX Corporation (100%)

Address:Building No.A3,The second Industrial Zone,Shajing Industry Co.,Shafu Road, Shajing Town, Baoan,Shenzhen,Guangdong Province,P.R.C

Логотип: OTAX Corporation



Для выпаивания микросхем в DIP корпусе пользуюсь проверенной технологией . Которая дает неплохие результаты , сохраняя при этом как микросхему так и дорожки печатной платы .

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