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Раздел: Мануалы

Marantz cd-5004

Написал MACTEP 02.07.2013 23:10:00 (Просмотров: 4445)

Сервис мануал Marantz CD-5004





Using superior design and selected high grade components, MARANTZ company has created the ultimate in stereo sound.
Only original MARANTZ parts can insure that your MARANTZ product will continue to perform to the specifications for which it is famous.
Parts for your MARANTZ equipment are generally available to our National Marantz Subsidiary or Agent.
Parts can be ordered either by mail or by Fax.. In both cases, the correct part number has to be specified.
The following information must be supplied to eliminate delays in processing your order :
1. Complete address
2. Complete part numbers and quantities required
3. Description of parts
4. Model number for which part is required
5. Way of shipment
6. Signature : any order form or Fax. must be signed, otherwise such part order will be considered as null and void.



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