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Контроллеры, Интерфейсы : NCP1654
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 29.10.2009 (2150 прочтений)

Power Factor Controller for Compact and Robust, Continuous Conduction Mode Pre-Converters

The NCP1654 is a controller for Continuous Conduction Mode (CCM) Power Factor Correction step-up pre-converters. It controls the power switch conduction time (PWM) in a fixed frequency mode and in dependence on the instantaneous coil current.
Housed in a S08 package, the circuit minimizes the number of external components and drastically simplifies the PFC implementation. It also integrates high safety protection features that make the NCP1654 a driver for robust and compact PFC stages like an effective input power runaway clamping circuitry.

• IEC61000-3-2 Compliant
• Average Current Continuous Conduction Mode
• Fast Transient Response
• Very Few External Components
• Very Low Startup Currents (<75 uA)
• Very Low Shutdown Currents (< 400 uA)
• Low Operating Consumption
• ±1.5 A Totem Pole Gate Drive
• Accurate Fully Integrated 65/133/200 kHz Oscillator
• Latching PWM lor cycle-by-cycle Duty-Cycle Control
• Internally Trimmed Internal Reference
• Undervoltage Lockout with Hysteresis
• Soft-Start for Smoothly Startup Operation
• Shutdown Function
• Pin to Pin Compatible with Industry Standard
• This is a Pb-Free Device

Safety Features
• Inrush Currents Detection
• Overvoltage Protection
• Undervoltage Detection for Open Loop Detection or Shutdown
• Brown-Out Detection
• Soft-Start
• Accurate Overcurrent Limitation
• Overpower Limitation

Typical Applications
• Flat TVs, PC Desktops
• AC Adapters
• White Goods, other Off-line SMPS

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