Отправил MACTEP.Дата добавления 07.06.2010 (2374 прочтений)
24-bit constant current LED sink driver with output error detection
Features ■ Low voltage power supply down to 3 V ■ 8 x 3 constant current output channels ■ Adjustable output current through external resistors ■ Short and open output error detection ■ Serial data IN/parallel data OUT ■ Shift register data flow registers control ■ Accepts 3.3 V and 5 V micro driver ■ Output current: 5-80 mA ■ 25 MHz clock frequency ■ High thermal efficiency package
Description The STP24DP05 is a monolithic, low voltage, low current power 24-bit shift register designed for LED panel displays. The device contains a 8 x 3-bit serial-in, parallel-out shift register that feeds a 8 x 3-bit D-type storage register. In the output stage, twenty-four regulated current sources were designed to provide 5-80 mA constant current to drive the LEDs. The 8 x 3 shift registers data flow sequence order can be managed with two dedicated pins. The STP24DP05 has a dedicated pin to activate the outputs with a sequential delay, that will prevent inrush current during outputs turn-ON. The device detection circuit checks 3 different conditions that can occur on the output line: short to GND, short to VO or open line.
Храните микросхемы в упаковке, обеспечивающей закорачивание их выводов, например, завернутыми в алюминиевую фольгу. При переноске не касайтесь выводов микросхемы, берите за корпус, иначе ваше статическое электричество может повредить микросхему.