Отправил MACTEP.Дата добавления 30.04.2011 (2239 прочтений)
Digital temperature sensor and thermal watchdog Features ■ Measures temperatures from -55 °C to +125°C(-67°Fto+257°F) - ±0.5 "C (typ) accuracy - ±2 °C (max) accuracy from-25 °C to +100°C ■ Low operating current:125 uA (typ) ■ No external components required ■ 2-wire l2C/SMBus-compatible serial interface - Selectable bus address allows connection of up to eight devices on the bus ■ Wide power supply range-operating voltage range: 2.7 V to 5.5 V ■ Conversion time is 45 ms (typ) ■ Programmable temperature threshold and hysteresis set points ■ Pin- and software-compatible with TCN75 (drop-in replacement) ■ Power-up defaults permit standalone operation as a thermostat ■ Shutdown mode to minimize power consumption ■ Output pin (open drain) can be configured for interrupt or comparator/thermostat mode (dual purpose event pin) ■ Packages: - S08 - MSOP8 (TSSOP8)
Выходные каскады УНЧ бывают разных типов и не всегда есть возможность осуществить первое включение без оконечного каскада. В этом случае возможна замена низкоомных токоизмерительных резисторов на номиналы 5-10 Ом.