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Драйверы Драйверы светодиодов : NCL30160
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 28.04.2012 (2709 прочтений)

Открыть изображение в новом окне1.0A Constant-Current Buck Regulator for Driving High Power LEDs

The NCL30160 is an NFET hysteretic step−down, constant−current
driver for high power LEDs. Ideal for automotive, industrial and
general lighting applications utilizing minimal external components.
The NCL30160 operates with an input voltage range from 6.3 V to
40 V. The hysteretic control gives good power supply rejection and
fast response during load transients and PWM dimming to LED arrays
of varying number and type. A dedicated PWM input (DIM/EN)
enables wide range of pulsed dimming and a high switching frequency
up to 1.4 MHz allows the use of smaller external components
minimizing space and cost. Protection features include
resistor−programmed constant LED current, shorted LED protection,
under−voltage and thermal shutdown. The NCL30160 is available in a
SOIC−8 package.
• Integrated 1.0A MOSFET
• VIN Range 6.3 V to 40 V
• Short LED Shutdown Protection
• Up to 1.4 MHz Switching Frequency
• No Control Loop Compensation Required
• Adjustable LED Current
• Single Pin Brightness and Enable/Disable Control Using PWM
• Supports All−Ceramic Output Capacitors and Capacitor−less Outputs
• Thermal Shutdown Protection
• Capable of 100% Duty Cycle Operation
• This is a Pb−Free Device
Typical Application
• LED Driver
• Constant Current Source
• Automotive Lighting
• General Illumination
• Industrial Lighting

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