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Преобразователи, стабилизаторы Преобр. напряжения : IRAC11662-100W
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 07.11.2013 (1630 прочтений)

+16V Low-side Smart Rectification 100W Flyback Demo Board User’s Guide

The IRAC11662-100W demo board is a universal-input flyback converter with single DC
output capable of delivering continuous 100W (@ +16V x 6.25A) during active
rectification mode. This demo board is primarily designed to study synchronous
rectification using IR11662 in low-side configuration to take advantage of simpler
derivation of Vcc supply from converter’s output. It is equipped with necessary jumpers to
ease exploring the conduction behavior of synchronous rectifiers SRs in quasi-resonant
mode, so discussion would be confined to variable frequency switching in Critical
Conduction Mode.
It features the fast Vsd sensing of the IR11662 Smart Rectifier Control IC with gate
output drive capability of +1A/-4A. It drives 2 pcs. of SRs in parallel (100V N-ch mosfet
IRF7853 in SO-8 package with very low Rdson in its class : 18 m max). This had
greatly simplified the overall mechanical design for not having those bulky and heavy
heat sinks normally seen in high current flyback design using passive rectification.

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