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Раздел: EDN

EDN 4 2013г

Написал MACTEP 11.05.2013 15:00:00 (Просмотров: 3649)

Название: EDN
Издательство: Reed Elsevier Properties Inc.
Год выпуска: 2013
Номер: 4

Дата выпуска: April

Число страниц: 74
Формат: PDF
Качество: отличное
Язык: Английский
Размер: 41.9 Mb



contents April 2013


9.  EDN online: Join the conversation; Content; Engineering community
10. EDN.comment: “Tweet” if you’re an engineer!

12. NXP claims sound-quality breakthrough with 9.5V boost voltage in mobile micro speakers
14. Coin-sized, Arduino-compatible computer with Bluetooth LE wirelessly connects to smartphones, tablets
16. Contactless connectivity platform targets applications that contain moving parts

16. Lattice Semi debuts miniature FPGA
16. Smartphone barcodes now readable by all POS laser scanners
17. Star Trek-style “tractor beam” is created on tiny scale
18. Voices: SparkFun’s Chris Taylor: Community key  to open-source hardware

20. Signal Integrity: Measuring nothing
22. Teardown: LED light shrinks size, cost with nonisolated driver
26. Mechatronics in Design: Excelling in the shades-of-gray real world

29. What makes industrial sensors go awry?

38. SoC FPGAs combine performance and flexibility

51. 10 C language tips for hardware engineers

EDN 0456. Recover the leakage energy of a flyback transformer
59. Double the protection of a laser driver using a 1V power supply
60. Gate-drive transformer eases multi-output, isolated dc/dc-converter designs
62. Two ICs form F/V converter RS2
64. Supply Chain: What engineers must know about the supply chain
67. Product Roundup: Memory
70. Tales from the Cube: Decoupling caps are where it’s at



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