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Раздел: EDN

EDN Europe №9 2013г

Написал MACTEP 08.09.2013 19:40:00 (Просмотров: 3992)

Название: EDN Europe
Издательство: Reed Elsevier Properties Inc.
Год выпуска: 2013
Номер: 9

Дата выпуска: SEPTEMBER

Число страниц: 46
Формат: PDF
Качество: отличное
Язык: Английский
Размер: 11.6 Mb



September 2013


12 Switcher peak current-mode control circuit optimisation for automotive applications
Switching above 1.7 MHz to avoid AM band
interference, and fast load transient response, are
now constant pressures in switch-mode power
supplies used in automotive infotainment systems.
Today’s multicore processors and system-ona-
chip (SOC) require core voltages, even below
1V, to be tightly regulated from an intermediate
voltage of 2.5V to 6V. At the same time, power
supply designers target high-switching frequencies,
compact solutions and fast transient responses.
by Mahmoud Harmouch & Tobias Nass, Texas
17 LED-driving techniques reduce power in LCD TVs
Estimates say that televisions are responsible
for approximately 3% to 8% of global residential
electricity consumption. An analysis conducted by
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory suggests
that advances such as more efficient LED driving
can yield major reductions in television electricity
consumption in the coming years. New design
techniques in LED-driver circuits promise to deliver
significant energy savings.
by Peter Rust, Werner Schögler, Manfred Pauritsch,
and Herbert Truppe, AMS AG
31 Minimise standby current in automotive DDR supplies
In their cars, consumers expect immediate access
to computer electronics, including navigation
and infotainment systems, and automobile
manufacturers strive to meet this desire with design
strategies that shorten start-up time. One such
strategy is to keep dynamic memory (RAM) active at
all times, even during the ignition-off state.
by David Gilbert, Linear Technology

34 Power supplies for automotive Start / Stop systems
In order to curb fuel consumption, many automobile
makers are implementing the “Start/Stop” function
into their next generation of vehicles and significant
numbers of such vehicles are already on the road.
Such systems introduce some unique engineering
challenges to the vehicle’s electronics since the
battery voltage can drop to 6.0 V or lower when the
engine re-starts.
by Mark Scholten, ON Semiconductor

35 Signal distortion from high-K ceramic capacitors
Multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCCs) are used
extensively in modern electronics because they
offer high volumetric efficiencies and low equivalent
series resistances at attractive prices. Although
there are many applications where high-k MLCCs
are useful, it is not advisable to use them in areas
of a system’s signal path where significant voltage
drop across the capacitor allows it to contribute
distortion as this online article explains.
by John Caldwell, Texas Instruments
5 EDN.comment
Through a Glass
36 Baker’s Best
Closer to real-world analogue filters
48 Product Roundup
Automotive motor drivers, bus transceivers, FETs
and MCUs; 6-GHz RF power detector
47 Tales from the Cube
Disappearing data
45 ΣΔ isolation amplifier transfers low frequencies across barrier
46 Light-controlled oscillator uses solar cell junction capacitance
47 Adaptive Schmitt trigger tames unruly signals 

6 NXP offers on-line tool for UHF PCB antenna design
6 Maxim to buy integrated-power-silicon supplier Volterra
7 Source/measure unit gains touchscreen user interfaces
8 Solid-state relay reference design offers remote, wireless AC power switching
8 Signal analysers gain improved phase-noise performance, sweep speed
10 Simultaneous multi-channel UHF data reception in automotive transceivers
10 Integrated power solution combines quad buck regulators and 200 mA LDO
11 Programmable USB-port power controllers support
12-W fast charging




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