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Раздел: EDN

EDN Europe 10 2013г

Написал MACTEP 08.10.2013 19:20:00 (Просмотров: 4828)

Название: EDN Europe
Издательство: Reed Elsevier Properties Inc.
Год выпуска: 2013
Номер: 10

Дата выпуска: October

Число страниц: 46
Формат: PDF
Качество: отличное
Язык: Английский
Размер: 11.6 Mb




14 Wideband fully differential amplifier noise improved using active match

18 Understanding grounding, shielding, and guarding in high impedance applications

26 Automotive safety and ISO 26262 qualification of compilers

28 10 C language tips for hardware engineers

5 EDN.comment
    A life of its own
22 Baker’s Best
     Rally your noise tools for a good offense
23 Teardown 1, and tryout;
     WiFi humidity monitor module
     by Martin Rowe
37 Teardown 2
     Samsung Galaxy Note 3: still the category leader
     by TechInsights staff
48 Product Roundup
     Industrial 18-bit A/D, Worldwide DVB demodulator,
     330 μF in an MLCC
47 Tales from the Cube
     A shock to the circuit
32 Per-quadrant linear amplifier distinguishes input polarity
33 Multiple PSUs share load
34 Novel Q-meter

6 PICs integrate analogue signal chain with 16-bit converters
7 USB 'scope range grows with 20-GHz electrical, 9.5 GHz optical sampling units
7 Free-to-download CAD tool “brings 3D design to every engineer”
8 Directly measuring inductance creates new position/motion sensing opportunities
11 ADI adds mixed-signal control processor for industrial motor and solar inverter designs
11 VDE Certified Library for Infineon MCUs satisfies IEC60730 Class B
12 Online Ada educational resource for the safetycritical software community
12 AMD sets out plans for embedded processor markets
13 Agilent Technologies splits measurement from lifesciences businesses
Cover image
This month's cover depicts screen shots from RS
Components' DesignSpark Mechanical 3D CAD package
for electronic engineers – see story on page 7



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