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Раздел: Elektor

Elektor №10 2013г

Написал MACTEP 09.10.2013 15:30:00 (Просмотров: 4952)

Название: Elektor

Год: 2013

Месяц: Октябрь

Номер: 10


Язык: Английский

Размер: 6.02 Mб 



Elektor - популярный зарубежный журнал по электронике и схемотехнике




Elector Electronic8  Elektor World
    • The Iso-Pi Board
    • Xpressly for Audio
    • The Next Step: Arduino.next
    • Circuit Cellar 'refreshed'
    • Animal-Friendly Mosquito Trap
10 Xmega Web Server Board
     The microcontroller board described here is particularly      well suited to

     monitoring and control applications. The plug-in TCP/IP module allows

     you to implement a web server and other network-oriented applications

     and a microSD card provides mass storage. Four LEDs, four buttons,

     and a removable display provide the user interface options.

     And of course the board comes with a wide range of external interfaces.
22 8x8 Two-color LED Matrix
     This article describes an alternative method for driving a matrix consisting

     of a large number of LEDs, while using only a few I/O lines from a


     As an example application for this circuit, a small game was developed in

     which an LED can be directed across the matrix using a joystick.
30 Numitron Clock & Thermometer
     The idea for this project was to take the Arduino world off of its Shields and

     Breadboards and out into a world of Elektor DIY projects while also hopefully

     Electorappealing to the diehard AVR hackers. These worlds are so close but are so

     often treated as separate. The project happily combines today's

     microcontroller technology with 1950's Soviet tubes now available 'NOS' from


36 Android Elektor CardiVscope
     Here now is the last installment of the article series, concentrating on

     calibrating the pre-assembled board. The job is done using a few home built

     resistor networks, and dedicated software running on the smartphone.
44 Modular RF Link using Manchester Code (2)
     Having concluded the hardware side of this project, it's time to go software.

     While the proper hardware design and board layout guarantees the correct

    Elector radiation and reception of the RF signals, the software (sometimes referred

     to as firmware) plays a fundamental role in the reliability of the message

     being carried by the signal. We're off to Manchester!

52 DesignSpark Tips & Tricks, Day #4: A Simple Project
     Having learned how to set up and use libraries in DesignSpark, we can

     proceed with the schematic and circuit board editors. Today we'll make a

     simple bi-color LED driver to get the hang of it.
56 Getting Started with the LPC800 Mini Kit
     The NXP LPC800 Mini Kit sports an LPC810 32-bit ARM Cortex-M0+

     microcontroller (MCU) in an 8-pin DIP package, a voltage regulator, two

     Elektorpushbuttons, an LED and two small prototyping areas. Here are a few hints

     to get the board up and running in no time. 

60 Negative Energy
     How on earth can three series connected 1.5-V batteries persistently

     supply ... 1.5 volts? 

• Industry
62 News & New Products
     A selection of news items received from the electronics industry, labs and


68 Retronics:
     Heathkit IT-28 Capacitor Checker
     The story of bringing a vintage tube checker back to life. The instrument cane

     as a set of parts in a box supplied by the greatest electronics kit maker of all

     times: Heathkit. Series Editor: Jan Buiting.
74 Hexadoku
     Elektor's monthly puzzle with an electronics touch.
76 Gerard's Columns: Breaking the Laws of Physics
     A column or two from our columnist Gerard Fonte.
82 Next Month in Elektor
     A sneak preview of articles on the Elektor publication schedule.




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