Название: Elektor
Год: 2013
Месяц: Апрель
Номер: 4
Язык: Английский
Размер: 5.06 Mб
Elektor - популярный зарубежный журнал по электронике и схемотехнике
• Community
8 Elektor World
• Good marks & certified too
• Now eat this
• Starting out with Elektor
• Inside the minds of our engineers
• Tech the Future
70 Virtual Money
Developments in implementing bidirectional payment systems,
allowing virtual and traditional currencies to flow freely back and
forth. Series Editor: Tessel Renzenbrink.
• Projects
10 Pattern Lock
This access control system requires a personal pattern or signature
to be 'drawn' on a surface instead of banging numbers into a keypad.
The article also has a solid backgrounder on capacitive touch
22 500 ppm LCR Meter (2)
This top notch project deserves a matching presentation. In this
second instalment of the article we continue with descriptions of the
keypad extension for standalone use, the instrument's functions, and
control software.
32 Elektor Linux Board Extension
This extension board was developed to further propel our Embedded
Linux series of articles and the matching GNUblin board. It has a
display, buttons, a real time clock and 16 GPIOs. Linux devotees,
switch on your solder irons.
38 Arduino on Course (5)
Using a webcam and a few parts found in the junkbox we build a one-eyed
guard to watch over our cookie jar. The circuit and Arduino software faithfully
evidence any attempt to steal cookies by taking a snapshot of the culprit.
44 Universal Driver for Power LEDs
Power LEDs are now affordable, and this project uses a specialist 1С Type TS19377 to simplify the design of a compact and efficient power LED driver.
48 Thermo Book
Designed to fit into the back of a book cover, this circuit indicates
temperature and relative humidity at fixed intervals. The temp/RH readout
can also be toggled manually (literally) by clapping your hands. The sensor
used is a Sensirion SHT15.
52 DIP Accelerometer Module
Accelerometer ICs typically come in packages not suitable to home
soldering. Here we solve the problem by presenting a carrier board for the
popular MMA7455.
54 Gadgeteer
Introducing Microsoft Gadgeteer, a rapid prototyping system comprising a
mainboard, extension modules, and software to match.
60 Handlebar Heating
Not satisfied with the crude systems on the market the author set out to
design a sophisticated handlebar heater circuit with intelligent control.
The result is suitable for motorbikes and scooters.
• Industry
66 News & New Products
New electronics products, components and technologies.
• Labs
62 Frontline Breaking News
What's brewing, growing and being researched at Elektor Labs
64 XTAL Killer
Leave room for the humble quartz crystal on your board.
64 What's cooking?
Encouraging news for all builders of the 500 ppm LCR Meter project.
65 LDO replacement THT
The pitfalls of designing a through-hole 'equivalent' of a low-drop regulator
board originally cast in SMD.
• Magazine
74 Retronics:
The Curse of the Collector
Ah, the thrill of recognition. This month Reginald Neale showcases a fairly
random selection of items from his electronics vintage collection. Series
Editor: Jan Buiting.
76 Hexadoku
Elektor's monthly puzzle with an electronics touch.
78 Gerard's Columns: Mind Altering
A column or two from our columnist Gerard Fonte.
82 Next Month in Elektor
A sneak preview of articles on the Elektor publication schedule.