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Раздел: Elektor

Elektor №1-2 2014г

Написал MACTEP 14.01.2014 4:00:00 (Просмотров: 6216)

Название: Elektor

Год: 2014

Месяц: Январь - Февраль

Номер: 1-2

Страниц: 84


Язык: Английский

Размер: 5.71 Mб 



Elektor - популярный зарубежный журнал по электронике и схемотехнике

Elektor8  Elektor World
    • Postermania
    • The Elektor Studio
    • World Class Tips
    • From Tracing Paper to Computer: Elektor Schematics Layout
    • Raspberry Pi Cookbook

78  That Zero-ohm Resistor
     The Unbearable Lightness of Being zero ohms.
104 DesignSpark Tips & Tricks
     Day #7: 3D Modding and Modeling How to create a 3D view of your

     project, and export it to DesignSpark Mechanical.

12  ADAU1701
     Universal Audio DSP Board
Always wanted to start with DSPs, but afraid of the SMD? Here's the answer.
20  UltiProp Clock (2)
     This month we conclude with the intricate assembly of the propeller dock.
26  Compact Tube Amplifier
     Hey this one works with ordinary power transformers.
32  Pretty Accurate Digital Wall Clock
     No radio control, yet an error of just 64 seconds per year, max!
38  RJ45 'Running-Lights' Cable Tester
     No microcontroller included—no common ground lead either.
Elektor40  Multi I/O for
     FPGA Development Board
     Applying VHDL programming to the

     Elektor FPGA dev system.
48  555 Class-D Audio Amplifier
     What do you mean Class-D audio always requires complex ICs?
54  Mixing Electronics and Mechanics with Flowcode 6
     3D is Key. The developers explain.
60  LED's Replace
     That Halogen Lamp
     A direct-fit replacement for the standard GU4 halogen lamp.
64  Model Train Dual Radio Control
     Radio takes over from infra-red.
70  Arduino on Course (6)
     Let's build a sounding balloon to capture weather data.
Elektor75 Active ESD Protection
     Some microcontrollers and other ICs can do with extra protection against static discharges.

80  Developing with Embedded Linux
     This month we learn how to develop our own applications using C++ and Eclipse.
87  Simple
     Current Pulse Generator
     Theory and practice for wide-range current measurements on a budget.
90  Soldering LFCSP ICs by Hand
     Demonstrating how the ultra-tiny AD9913 DDS 1С gets wires attached to its pins.
92  USB Key Passport
     Turn the key and have your password typed automatically.
98  Nanoamps on the DMM
     Measure tiny currents using an ordinary digital multimeter.
100 Bird Drinking Water Heater
     Using a 2N3055 and a tomato paste tin.



108 Arduino Yun
      Labs got their hands on a Yun and found out if it really bridges two worlds.
113 What it Takes to Make an LED Blink
      Behold the embedded-age equivalent of a switch and a resistor.
114 Join the Fourth Industrial Revolution!
      An overview of Internet of Things (IoT) projects hot on our labs website
Elektor115 Where There's Smoke There's Fire
      An attempt at building an electric cigarette.


• Industry
64 News & New Products
     A selection of news items received from the electronics industry, labs and organizations.


120 Hexadoku
      The Original Elektorized Sudoku.
122 Retronics
     Elektor Elektor AC Power supply (1984!). A useful tool if you are mindful about

      starting up low-voltage power supplies. Series Editor: Jan Buiting,
125 Gerard's Columns: Pro-Tronics
      A column or two from our columnist Gerard Fonte.
130 Next Month in Elektor
      A sneak preview of articles on the Elektor publication schedule.


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