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Раздел: Elektor

Elektor №12 2013г

Написал MACTEP 30.11.2013 18:00:00 (Просмотров: 5031)

Название: Elektor

Год: 2013

Месяц: Декабрь

Номер: 12

Страниц: 84


Язык: Английский

Размер: 5.71 Mб 



Elektor - популярный зарубежный журнал по электронике и схемотехнике

Elektor8  Elektor World
    • The Electronic Roundabout: tell us a new story!
    • Clouds—as we know them
    • Start Printing in 3D!
    • And more
    • Security
    • The Gate
Elektor10 UltiProp Clock (1)
      This article gives you the key details that hopefully will

      enable you to successfully build your own high-quality

      clock, which is bound to draw admiring, envious cries of

      "Wow!" from your guests. It's high time you too discover

      Elektor's Ulti(mate) Prop(eller) Clock.

22 Multi I/O for FPGA Development Board (1)
      Elektor's December 2012 FPGA is expanded with: GPS

      receiver; temperature sensor; pressure sensor; RGB

      color sensor; 2 x 16 character LCD; 4 pushbuttons;

      4 LEDs; rotary encoder; 7 external digital expansion

      pins; and 3 external analog inputs.
32 Home and Office Network Tester
      ElektorThe circuit presented here offers easy one-button

      testing of common home and office networks, with

      red-amber-green indication of the network status, and

      any faults. The design is really simple, just a

      microcontroller, an Ethernet interface, a pushbutton for

      starting the test and status LEDs to show the condition

      of the network. Still, it does do a lot more than a simple

      cable tester.
40 USB Battery Tester
      Testing batteries is a fairly common task among

      electronics enthusiasts. Instead of using a complex

      stand-alone meter, you can put the intelligence of a PC

      to good use for this. Here we add a battery interface to

      the general-purpose USB-I024 cable presented in a

      previous edition of Elektor magazine.Elektor
48 Enter BeagleBone Black
      Yet another platform has been released to the

      embedded audience: the BeagleBone Black. Recently

      we (finally) got one on our workbench. It looks like a

      very promising platform with powerful hardware and a lot

      of potential. Does it outperform the Raspberry Pi?
52 The Flowstone of Wisdom
      There are many visual programming languages out

      there, but Flowstone is one with a twist. Clemens

      Valens examines.
56 Joule Robbin' Hood
      This circuit steals (energy) from the rich (batteries) and

      gives it to the poor (plants).Elektor

58 DesignSpark Tips & Tricks Day #6:

     after the layout
     DesignSpark's online BOM and PCB quoting tools

     enable you to find out how much it would cost to build

     our example project. These tools can be a great time


62 Surfin' the RPi Wave
      An overview of Raspberry Pi based projects currently

     Elektor lining up at www. elektor-labs.com, including outlines of

      RPi Prototyping, mass storage and refrigerator


• Industry
64 News & New Products
      A selection of news items received from the electronics

      industry, labs and organizations.

Tech The Future
68 Microgrids
      Microgrids are one of the answers to the question of

      how to increase the share of sustainable sources in the

      energy mix. TTF investigates on the Faroe Islands.

Elektor• Magazine
70 Bendix 60B4-1-A
      AC/DC Insulation Tester
      Warning: High Potential! Chuck Hansen takes a

      nostalgic yet technical look at a 1960s instrument

      designed to check and ensure electrical safety. Series

      Editor: Jan Buiting.
76 Hexadoku
      Elektor's monthly puzzle with an electronics touch.
77 Gerard's Columns: Rctronics Personified
      A column or two from our columnist Gerard Fonte.
82 Next Month in Elektor
     Elektor A sneak preview of articles on the Elektor
      publication schedule.


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