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Раздел: Elektor

Elektor №12 2013г

Написал MACTEP 30.12.2012 1:10:00 (Просмотров: 4464)

Название: Elektor

Год: 2012

Месяц: Декабрь

Номер: 12


Язык: Английский

Размер: 11.3 Mб 




Elektor - популярный зарубежный журнал по электронике и схемотехнике


Elektor Community
8 Elektor World
• Elektor Improved Radiation Meter on ConSat-1… soon
• Elektor Improved Radiation Meter @ Oxford University… soon 2
• Elektor Monster Formant hits YouTube
• Lost in the Electronic Maze
• Circuit Cellar 25th (19hex) Anniversary Party
• RF Poetry

12 Elektor hot Labs Clemens Valens on what’s brewing, smelling and burning at Elektor Labs, including their new website.
14 MIC502 & MAX6643 Raymond’s pick of the month in terms of components.
16 Tiny but not insignificant The story of stray capacitance in a FET preventing a microprocessor from being programmed.
17 Missing ground plane!? Check your board with PCB Visualizer Through a slip-up in one of our circuit board designs we learned about this great PCB preproduction checking tool.
18 What’s Cooking? Not Elektor’s new SMPSU we hope! A look at an early prototype.


20 Taming the Beast An upbeat introduction to FPGAs, followed by a description of Elektor’s DIY FPGA Development System.
Elektor28 Arduino AC Grid Analyser This circuit performs a rigorous quality check on the AC line voltage from the wall outlet. It’s got FFT and a mini spectrum analyser, courtesy of an Arduino board.
36 Hyperactive LED Xmas Tree There’s no end of lively visual patterns generated by this PIC controlled gizmo, especially if you build two.
40 Embedded Linux Made Easy (6) This month the Elektor Linux board gets connected to a typical home network using a server application we write ourselves.
46 Arduino on Course (3b) Can your Android smartphone read sensors directly? Probably not, and that’s where an Arduino Mega comes in handy.

52 Electronics for Starters (10) In this tenth and concluding part we look at basic circuits operating at radio frequency (RF).
Elektor58 Transconductance Amplifier The principle of converting a differential voltage into a proportional current allows a versatile instrumentation amplifier to be designed and built.
64 PWM to Phase Shifter (Design Tip) Sure, the function can be carried out by a few flip flops and gates.
64 Improving the Pick-Up Angle of an Infrared Satellite Receiver Remote (Design Tip) Just add a second infrared detector, they said, but how?
65 Audio Amplifier in Dinner Format (Design Tip)
The TDA7050 has great potential for making a very compact audio amp.

• Industry

66 Creating a Low-Leakage Rectifier Using a Self-powered Op Amp (Touchstone Semiconductor)
67 News & New Products A monthly roundup of all the latest electronics products and components.

Tech the Future

70 The Internet of Things (IoT) Three experts in electronics industry and research discuss the origins of IoT and its impact on today’s electronics. Series Editor: Tessel Renzenbrink.


74 Retronics: The Nagra IV Tape Recorder Once the most celebrated portable tape recorder in the world the Nagra was a professional device, developed for professional transportable applications; for broadcast use or picture-synchronized audio recording; for movies and TV. Series Editor: Jan Buiting
78 Hexadoku Elektor’s monthly puzzle with an electronics touch.
80 Next Month in Elektor A sneak preview of articles on the Elektor publication schedule.




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