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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Semicoa Semiconductor

Semicoa’s mission is to supply high reliability semiconductor devices to our customers that conform to their specifications and delivery requirements.

SEMICOA CORPORATION is a leader in the design and development of bi-polar transistors and MOSFETs for high-reliability applications in the military, aerospace, automotive, industrial and medical industries.


Quality and high reliability are the cornerstones that military, aerospace and space applications are
built upon. In many instances, there’s absolutely no room for error. These critical industries require a partner that they can trust to deliver time after time after time. For 44 years, SEMICOA has been Trusted Everywhere™. Semicoa specializes in the manufacture of discrete silicon semiconductors focusing on small signal transistors and MOSFETs for military, aerospace and space industries in the Asia, the United States and Western Europe. The design, development and wafer fabrication operations are located in Southern California. The company achieved the highest U.S. government qualification (JANS, MIL-PRF-19500, Space Level) for the production of electronic components and it is ISO9001:2000, and AS9100:2004 Rev B certified.

It leading edge manufacturing facility performs discrete and hybrid assembly utilizing innovative techniques and processes. High volume production is performed on dedicated assembly lines to reduce cost and increase throughput.

Semicoa constantly expands product, equipment and production capabilities to meet the growing demand of its customers for high reliability and Rad Hard products.

Логотип: Semicoa Semiconductor



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