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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



Новые объявления

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Wincom Electronics

Wincom Tech. (Wincom Electronics) was Established to market liquid crystal displays (LCD/LCD Module) throughout the world. We offer a wide range of standard dot matrix LCD Modules and graphic LCD Modules (LCMs) for east Asia market and Europe market. Our LCD's quality is very reliable, The company is currently located at Shenzhen City, close to Hong Kong. Wincom Tech's experienced LCD / LCD module applications engineers are on-hand to help you with your LCD displays. Wincom Tech. has the design engineering and manufacturing flexibility to meet the many varying and widespread conditions that exist for custom LCD modules. Our major products are standard and customized LCD panels and LCD modules in many configurations. They are widely used in industrial instruments, audio appliances, mobile phones and remote controls etc, also, the products are used in office equipment, communication set, electrical appliance, medical treatment equipment. At the same time, we also supply all kinds of LCD and LCM, they are used in communication set and MP3.

Wincom also offers comprehensive customized services such as prototyping, assembly, and full production design. No matter what your LCD needs, Wincom Tech. can provide it to you; from small one-line character LCD display to large graphical LCD displays, Wincom Tech. can provide the hardware and satisfy your requirement.

Wincom's engineering resources combined with efficient LCD fabrication facilities allow for quick turn prototyping and transition to mass production.

Логотип: Wincom Electronics



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Импульсный БП 60Вт на TOP246Y