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Цифровые микросхемы Регуляторы : CAT5132
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 29.12.2010 (1386 прочтений)

16 Volt Digitally Programmable Potentiometer (DPP™) with 128 Taps and I²C Interface!

The CAT5132 is a high voltage Digitally Programmable Potentiometer (DPP) with non-volatile wiper setting memory, operating like a mechanical potentiometer. The tap points between the 127 equal resistive elements are connected to the wiper output via CMOS switches. The switches are controlled by a 7-bit Wiper Control Register (WCR). The wiper setting can be stored in a 7-bit non-volatile Data Register (DR). The WCR is accessed via the I²C serial bus.
Upon power-up, the WCR is set to mid-scale (1000000). After the power supply is stable, the contents of the DR are transferred to the WCR and the wiper is returned to the memorized setting.
The CAT5132 has two voltage supplies: Vco 'he digital supply and V+, the analog supply. V+ can be much higher than Vcc, allowing for 16 V analog operations.
The CAT5132 can be used |as a potentiometer or as a two-terminal variable resistor.

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