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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Add Microtech Corp

ADD Microtech Corp. (ADDM), established in 1997, designs, develops and markets highly intellectual property contenting analog & mixed signal IC. Our mission is to invent high-quality, high performance analog and mixed-signal integrated circuits (ICs) products that add values to our customers. In other words, we provide timely and effective solutions through in-depth market knowledge, advanced technologies, design expertise, and superior applications support. We have lined up an impressive array of our world class design and application teams to provide to our customers the latest in design techniques from the world's leaders in Analog design. The Company has marketed approximately 100 products in years 2000/2001 to over 50 original equipment manufacturers. These products compete in the marketplace based on their performance, quality and reliability.

Products and Applications

ADDM, strategically, aligns with world class manufacturers in order to establish high quality products. ADDM is committed to have world class quality for our products, delivery performance and service activities and to achieve continuous improvement. To accomplish our goals and assure total customer satisfaction, in every area we always demand the highest quality.

Логотип: Add Microtech Corp



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