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Пользователей: 146
Из них просматривают:
Аналоги: 82. Даташиты: 43. Инструкции: 5. Новости: 2. Остальное: 3. Производители: 2. Профиль пользователя: 2. Теги: 2. Форум: 5.
Участников: 2
Гостей: 144

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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Alcor Micro Corp

Alcor Micro has been focusing on delivering single chip solutions with superb quality for the computer peripherals & consumer electronics market for the last ten years. Along the way, Alcor Micro has committed itself in pursing advanced R & D, actively participating in various key industry associations, the establishment of a solid product qualification/certification system and the building up of a support team with application-oriented technology.


From the application-specific IC controllers to the NAND Flash applications, Alcor Micro has indeed turned in a fabulous report card in the market segment of Computer peripherals & IO, the Mobile Storage devices and the Multimedia products as well.

Логотип: Alcor Micro Corp



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