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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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ANADIGICSWe continue to break new ground in the global communications marketplace with industry-leading products for wireless and broadband applications. OEMs and ODMs worldwide are building devices with faster connections, extended battery life and a myriad of enhanced capabilities using ANADIGICS advanced GaAs RFICs. We’re powering the 4th generation technologies that are revolutionizing our world with smart homes, the mobile office and anywhere, anytime connectivity.
Founded in 1985 and headquartered in Warren, NJ, ANADIGICS today has offices, design centers and manufacturing facilities spread across six countries and three continents. Our masterful blend of technology innovation and adherence to major standards in the wireless and wireless broadband markets has resulted in ANADIGICS products being featured in the world’s most advanced reference designs from industry leaders. Working closely with our global partners and customers, we continue to help define the requirements of next generation wireless applications and technology solutions.
From our state of the art, 6-inch GaAs manufacturing facility to our proprietary and patented InGaP-Plus™ process, ANADIGICS technology leadership remains the driving force behind our products and success in the global wireless and wireless broadband markets.

Логотип: Anadigics



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