As a global electronic parts company with offices in Korea, China and Japan, AUK operates an extensive business network encompassing the areas ol the opto-sensors, semiconductor devices. LED devices and solar cells. With over three decades of experience and expertise behind, AUK is opening up the door to a new future, in which human beings and nature can peacefully co-exist. AUK is now rapidly growing into a leading position in its field, with its capacity to accommodate the needs of today's digital culture.
AUK. which realizes its brand value, future value and product value with its products and dedication, is writing a new chapter with its customers in the history of convergence technology.
The sophisticated chemical compounds, the latest semiconductor FAB technology, the capacity to design and product its own semiconductor molds and facilities, the capacity to design products most efficiently using the pre-verification process, the full-kit solution, the eco-friendly design, the design review system, and the electronic management of contacts with customers are some of the factors behind AUK's ceaseless growth and innovation. The diverse and distinguished products of AUK are now found in almost all areas of our lives, including digital devices, video eouipment. automobile systems, telecommunication devices, robots, computers, game machines, medical equipment and healthcare, industrial machinery, financial machinery, LED-applied systems, and energy. AUK is leading innovations in the field of intelligent convergence.