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Aydin Displays

Aydin Displays, Inc. is a former division of the Aydin Corporation, which was formed in 1967. In November of 1998, Aydin was purchased by Video Display Corporation (VDC), but remained intact, thus ensuring that no capabilities were lost. On August 30, 2013, Aydin was acquired by Sparton Corporation.

In May of 2005, Aydin acquired the Innovative Display Systems (IDS) division of Three-Five Systems (TFS). In October of 2005, VDC announced the further expansion of Aydin Displays through the merging of two sister companies (XKD Corporation of Morgan Hills, CA, and Teltron Technologies, of Birdsboro, PA) into the Aydin infrastructure. In June of 2006, Aydin acquired EDL Displays.

These mergers and acquisitions expanded the line of products Aydin offers you, while allowing you to receive continued support for key legacy products from the acquired companies.

Логотип: Aydin Displays



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