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  • Год основания: 1969. Подразделение группы Carbone Lorraine
  • Штаб-квартира: Villeurbanne Cedex, France
  • Компания Ferraz Shawmut выпускает огромный спектр предохранителей



Welcome to Ferrazfuses.com
Founded in 1969, Norberg~IES is a leading distributor for Mersen (formerly Ferraz Shawmut which was formerly Gould Fuses) fuses from high speed DC to high voltage fuses. Mersen also offers an extensive offering of fuse blocks, clips, and power distribution blocks and fusible and non-fusible disconnect switches.

We maintain an extensive on-site inventory of factory-direct fuses and accessories that carry a manufacturer-backed warranty. This differentiates us from other internet sources that provide surplus or re-conditioned fuses, both that can introduce potentially harmful risk in an electrical circuit.  To read more about surplus fuses click on this link from the National Electrical Manufacturers Association referencing water damage and electrical equipment. A picture of a failed high voltage fuse, resulting from exposure to water is also shown. Many surplus fuses have been exposed to water from sitting outside unprotected after being discarded by the original user.
In addition to carrying standard and specialty products from Mersen, Norberg~IES can build UL listed fusible and non-fusible disconnect switches in our 30,000 square foot facility located in the heartland of America, Tulsa, OK.
To speak with our technically trained staff, please call us at 800.739.9145 or 918.665.6888. Emergency 24 X 7 fuse service is available along with same-day delivery on Southwest Airlines, Cap logistics or on our chartered Lear 31 or Lear 45 jets. 
We appreciate your business and take significant pride in serving repeat customers.


Ferraz a division of Carbone Lorainne of France acquired the Gould Shawmut fuse line from Nippon Steel. The combined unit is known as Ferraz Shawmut.  Carbone Lorainne changed its name to Mersen in 2009.

Protecting Your People, Your Equipment

What is circuit protection really? More than a safeguard for your power supply, it's how you protect your two most valuable assets: your people and your equipment. At Ferraz Shawmut, this understanding is at the heart of everything.

For additional information on Ferraz Fuses use our fuse search tab at the top of the page. You can also request a quote on any of the Ferraz Fuses using our quote request form.

Логотип: FERRAZ



Для выпаивания микросхем в DIP корпусе пользуюсь проверенной технологией . Которая дает неплохие результаты , сохраняя при этом как микросхему так и дорожки печатной платы .