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Micro Electronic Instrument Inc



MEI SEMI, whose headquarter locates at Silicon Valley in Northern California, is specializing  in semiconductor devices design, production. We have factories both in Shanghai and Ma An Shan city in China. The total investment is over USD 30 million.


Shanghai factory is Shanghai Waxubol Microelectronic Co., Ltd., formerly was mergered and restructured with three companies. We have a group of high quality technical team, who are very experienced in designing diodes and transistors in China. Our products are including solid discharge tube dice, TVS dice, GPP dice, standard rectifier dice, silicon controller dice, fast recovery rectifier dice and super fast rectifier dice and  high power dice etc.


Ma An Shan factory, MEI Semi Co., Ltd., is a newly established factory. We own axial leads diodes, SMD diodes production line. Our products are including standard diode, fast recovery diode, schottky diode, solid discharge tube, TVS diode etc.

Our management team has knowledge in professional engineering and also we have more than 20 years production control experience of manufacturing in factory. We have a lot of experienced application engineers and technicians. Using our experience, we can satisfy our customers with their current product line and new product design

Our factories passed ISO9001 and our products are UL recognized and RoHS compliance.

Логотип: MEI



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