
Список производителей электронных компонентов.

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Пользователей: 137
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Аналоги: 90. Даташиты: 9. Инструкции: 3. Новости: 3. Остальное: 4. Производители: 4. Советы: 1. Теги: 1. Форум: 21. Чат: 1.
Участников: 3
Гостей: 134

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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Thinking Electronics



Thinking Electronic Industrial Co., Ltd. provides a broad line of protective circuit components, including over-voltage protection, over-temperature protection, and over-current protection. The product portfolio offers negative temperature coefficient thermistor (NTC thermistor), zinc oxide varistors (MOV), ceramic positive temperature thermsitors (PTC thermistor), polymer postitive temperature coefficient thermistors (Polymer PTC resettable fuse), temperature sensors, and gas discharge tubes.

Assured to better quality and improving management system, Thinking has been ISO/TS 16949 and ISO 9001 certified and remains committed to offer product compliance in conformity assessment with UL, CSA, VDE, TUV, CQC approvals.

Thinking is continually developing better quality and better service by working closely with customers, and remains committed to be the best choice of passive components.

Логотип: Thinking Electronics



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