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Цифровые микросхемы : NE555, SA555, SE555
Отправил MACTEP. Дата добавления 11.03.2011 (4732 прочтений)

Микросхема представляет собой таймер для формирования импульсов напряжения длительностью Т=1,1RC (R и C - внешние времязадающие элементы) от нескольких микросекунд до десятков минут.


These devices are precision timing circuits capable of producing accurate time delays or oscillation. In the
time-delay or monostable mode of operation, the timed interval is controlled by a single external resistor and
capacitor network. In the astable mode of operation, the frequency and duty cycle can be controlled
independently with two external resistors and a single external capacitor.
The threshold and trigger levels normally are two-thirds and one-third, respectively, of VCC. These levels can be
altered by use of the control-voltage terminal. When the trigger input falls below the trigger level, the flip-flop is
set, and the output goes high. If the trigger input is above the trigger level and the threshold input is above the
threshold level, the flip-flop is reset and the output is low. The reset (RESET) input can override all other inputs
and can be used to initiate a new timing cycle. When RESET goes low, the flip-flop is reset, and the output goes
low. When the output is low, a low-impedance path is provided between discharge (DISCH) and ground.
The output circuit is capable of sinking or sourcing current up to 200 mA. Operation is specified for supplies of
5 V to 15 V. With a 5-V supply, output levels are compatible with TTL inputs.

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