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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Advanced Semiconductor Business

ASB Inc. located at Daejon, South Korea, operates an MMIC circuit and RF module design center and in-house test facility. Clean room production line for MMIC/RF module test & assembly is equipped with fully automated or semi-automated machines and test equipments. Test capability covers up to 50 GHz for on-wafer measurement and microwave range for packaged MMIC & module testing. The MMIC products are highly linear LNAs, gain blocks, and power amplifiers with low DC power consumption for use in up to 6 GHz application. The RF modules are internally matched SMD-type LNAs, power amplifiers, and PLL synthesizers. The performance of the modules is optimized for customization.

Логотип: Advanced Semiconductor Business



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