
Список производителей электронных компонентов.

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Разделы производителей

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Пользователей: 143
Из них просматривают:
Аналоги: 96. Даташиты: 11. Инструкции: 2. Новости: 5. Остальное: 3. Производители: 3. Форум: 22. Чат: 1.
Участников: 3
Гостей: 140

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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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На данный момент компания принадлежит CSR


Microtune, Inc. designs and markets radio frequency (RF) integrated circuits and subsystem module solutions for the cable, digital television, and automotive electronics markets in the United States and internationally. The company offers microtuner single-chip broadband tuners; and silicon amplifiers, including upstream amplifiers, intermediate frequency amplifiers, and broadband antenna amplifiers. It also provides subsystem-level RF solutions, including of tuner and/or transmit/receive functions for various applications, such as analog and digital car radio, analog and digital car television, in-flight entertainment, antenna amplifiers, and headend upconverters. In addition, the company offers automotive electronics products, including components for traditional AM/FM radios, as well as components for entertainment applications, such as in-car television, in-flight video, digital radio, digital audio broadcast, and HD radio. Microtune serves original equipment manufacturers and original design manufacturers who sell devices and applications to consumers or service providers in the cable, digital television, and automotive electronics markets. The company was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Plano, Texas.

Логотип: Microtune



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