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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Founded in November 1981, Surge Components has grown into  a world class supplier of Capacitors and Discrete Semiconductors. Surge’s capacitor  product portfolio includes Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors, Film Capacitors, and Ceramic Capacitors.  In the Discrete Semiconductor portfolio, the company’s  strengths include General Purpose, Recovery,  Schottky, and Transient Voltage Suppressor diodes, and a full line of Bridge Rectifiers.


Our production facilities are all QS9000 and  TS-16949 certified, for automotive requirements. We are a Green Partner with many of our customers.  We are continuously introducing new products to the market, staying in the forefront of technology.  Surge is a global company, with headquarters in New York, and sales and stocking locations throughout North America and Asia.  Surge has established a network of Independent Sales Representatives throughout North America, promoting it’s products to their local customers. Additionally, Surge is franchised with 3 of the Top Distributors for these products, Avnet Inc.,   Future Electronics, and TTI Inc.  These Distributors open sales channels for our products, at their good  customers.


Surge supplies it’s products to customers in many market segments, including Power, Energy, Automotive, Computer, Telecom, Security, as well as others. For more information about Surge or our products, please contact our local Sales Representative in your area, your local Distributor Sales Branch, or Surge directly. Surge looks forward being your supply chain partner, and thanks you for choosing Surge!!!

Логотип: Surge



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