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Рекорд 2375 человек онлайн установлен 26.12.2015.



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Microtips Technology



Microtips Technology strives to be one of the pioneers in new LCD technologies, to evolve with the needs of our customers, and to provide the best possible prices with short lead times.

Established in 1990, we are now one of the leading global manufacturers and suppliers of LCD Modules. Today, we produce a full gamut of color and monochrome graphic LCD, character LCD and custom-made LCD modules. Additionally, we have the ability to produce foremost technology trends such as Color STN, FSTN, Chip on Glass (COG), Chip on Board (COB), Tape Automated Bonding(TAB), and integrated capacitive touch panels. Further, we offers complete turnkey solutions such as design and product development for our customers (in OEM Design and Manufacturing).

Local sales and engineering support in the Americas, Europe, and Asia have made us a very competitive force in the display industry.

We have ensured that the manufacturing plants in Taiwan and mainland China are equipped with state-of-the-art machinery. Their above standard quality control measures have won us the merit of the ISO9001:2000 and ISO14001-2004 Quality Certified Control and Assurance.

We believe in building a close rapport with our customers and the sales staff takes extreme pride in their customers’ end products.

Our local engineering and sales staff follows the complete life cycle of LCD products from pre-engineering to large volume orders. We are continuously focusing our energies on the development and manufacturing process while closely following new technologies to create better LCDs.

Our highly trained sales staff and engineers offer unparallel local technical support in order to ensure the success of your design. We greatly appreciate the prospect of introducing ourselves and our products to your company.

Логотип: Microtips Technology



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Случайные новости

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[18.06.2009] Для дома и быта
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[27.02.2009] Прием-передача
Трансивер "Аматор-160"